Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ramblings and Recollections

Recently I bought a fab pair of tangerine skinny jeans from Zara. I have yet to develop the courage to wear them. I’m no wear near skinny enough to actually qualify to wear skinny jeans. But then I saw Beyonce rocking a pair of bright blue ones. And then I saw some very large-esque ladies doing the same. Apparently the key is confidence. Now, where do I buy that?

Recently I have discovered that I am good at a few things and really bad at others. For instance I thought if there was ever a time to be strong when the going gets tough, I’d be able to face any trouble head-on. Turns out I turn into a big ol’ bag of emotions. I recently found a weird mole and did the worst thing ever I Googled it. When “melanoma” came up I decided I’d call my mom and warn her that I needed an oncologist (this was all in the space of a few minutes and without seeing a doctor – in fact I didn’t move from my bed). I heard her voice and burst into tears. She comforted me, told me to grow up and see a doctor (she used to be a nurse so she’s hardcore like that). Turns out I am not as strong as I always imagined. Also my weird mole was a burst blood vessel.

Recently, the girls at work have been talking about all those bad kissers who we had the unfortunate experience of swapping saliva with. Turns out we all have experienced our fair share of washing machines, limp tongues and worse, adventurers (think too intrusive tongues or biters). What we want to know is what ever happened to them. Did they finally meet a girl who was brave enough to tell them that they are bad kissers or is their current girlfriend shrinking away in horror everytime Washing Machine goes in for the kill.

Recently, the only thing on my mind is preparing for our Christmas party. And by our, I mean us Skinny Bitches. Every year our group of friends get together and have a Christmas party. This year we’re going all out. In case you didn’t know, there is nothing more exciting to me than the season of Christmas. I look forward to these magical weeks all year long and label anyone else who doesn’t a Grinch. So as you can imagine I’ve been scourging Pinterest all the time for new ideas on how to make this year the Christmas party to end all parties.

Any ramblings or recollections?

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh! 

Images from here

1 comment:

  1. Picture of the tangerine skinnies PLEASE!!!
    Also, I am faaaaaar from skinny but I wear skinny jeans.. Let me rephrase, I ONLY wear skinny jeans and I think I rock the hell out of them!

    I've seen your pics, your stunning, now put them on and send us a pic, k?!

    Good :)


Whoop! There It Is!