My Christmas Wishlist – It’s like Oprah’s Favourite Things. Except there are no freebies under your seat, no screaming middle-age women and no one shouting “You get a car! You get a car!”
As I've mentioned several times I am a beauty product slore. There's just something about bathing in nice-smelling things and then drenching your skin in body butter. I've yet to meet boys who enjoy this as much as I do so I'm guessing it's a girl thing.
The best part for me has to be the smell of a product. Vanilla reminds me of happy times; fruits and cocoa butter are the stuff summers are made of; and the festive season is all about cranberry. I recently wrote about a range I was lucky enough to try out here and now I've had a little look over the rest of their products.
Oh Santa Baby, won't you please put this Cupcake Frosting Body Butter into my stocking. It will make me smell nice and I'm sure once I do, boys will like me.
Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!