Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oh Dear Megan Jewellery Launch

Last week I was lucky enough to attend the launch of the summer collection of Oh Dear Megan.

*On a side note, how awesome is that name, it's like when you have this really kooky friend who always does weird-off-the-wall stuff like Luna Lovegood or Cassie from Skin and you want to be surprised but in the end you're all like Oh! Dear Megan and shake your head knowingly*

In case you don't know ODM is a Cape Town-based studio which specialises in jewellery with a local flavour and is a big hit with those uber stylish peeps that roam the streets of the Cape.

 The summer collection launch was held at a studio at The Woodstock Exchange. If I was to describe the collection, I'd say it was the thing that candy-coloured, summer dreams are made of. And true to these words, the range was displayed alongside jars of pastel-coloured candy while we were served pink bubbles and ice-cream. I was in my own little happy place.



The collection is filled with intricate little pieces of jewellery that are good enough to eat. And they add a bit of whimsical fun to your look without the risk of looking like you went into your younger sister's jewellery box. It's just the right amount of playfulness.

BUT my favourite part of the collection has to be the coins. I love me some coins. I have had dreams of OWNING the Grecian goddess look for years. And these pieces will definitely help me finish off the look. And they're made of vintage South African coins so there's a bit of heritage along with the style.You can bet this is the first thing I'll be buying when the new collection is available.

If you're also keen to get your hands on some, check out Style36 or get on down to shops like Purr and The Fringe Arts.

Thanks to the fabulous Style Guide PR for the invite, the bag of candy and the goodie bag.

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!

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