Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Highlights

Friday…it was my younger brother’s birthday so we all went out for din dins at Royale. Had the most amazing burger with pepperdews and mustard sauce. And of course, the sweet potato chips. They are reason enough to go there.

Saturday…Skinny Bitches got treated to brekkie by the older brother at Viola! at Cape Quarter. Had a fabulous omelette, a skinny latte and then did some walking around. It was also Pride so we watched the floats and cheered the gays on! A little later we went to the spa. Blue Eyes was lucky enough to get a hot stone massage. I was not as lucky as my appointment was for a bit of waxing. A quick cocktail at Primi – drinking in the afternoon is soooo much fun - and then we had to get ready for Decodance. We had an awesome time dancing to the 80s and 90s. And there are lots of nice boys too. Definitely going to be one of our regular haunts. Also discovered Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the few songs everyone knows the words too…Mama I just killed a man.

Sunday…aka the hottest day ever. We were invited to a friend’s birthday party which consisted of pizza, drinks, ice-cream and a pool. In 38 degree heat, I don’t think I need to go on.

What was your weekend like?

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!


  1. Not nearly as fun as yours! The boy and I had a lovely dinner out on Friday night, Lebanese may just be my favourite food! I worked on Saturday and on Saturday night we went to see a new band. Except there was a huge blackout and they could only play a few songs acoustically. Sunday was spent lounging around, accomplishing nothing.

  2. Sounds like a perfect CT weekend! Saw photos of the party - looked good. Loving you both, and have been following all the blogging on all your different sites - well done green eyes - the dream is coming true! xxx from CA with love


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