Monday, July 12, 2010

Keep Flying the Flag

Even though the World Cup is over, there is no need to get all sad and depressed. Instead advertising company DraftFCB have come up with this great intiative to keep on flying the flag for an extra thirty days. Starting today!

If you can, head on over here to see the fab video. Otherwise just keep on flying your flag!

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!


  1. awesome! I know a few charities using the old flags to make quilts so I think I might donate mine there, but I'll totally fly it for a while longer first :)

  2. And it's Tri-Nations, so why not keep the mirror socks in support of the Springboks!

    @Helen - love the quilt idea, thats so cool!

  3. Hope you had an amazing time, it looked fantastic when we've been watching the World Cup in the UK. What's going to happen to all the Vuvezelas??


Whoop! There It Is!