Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things I've Realised...

...making homemade ravioli is fun and can be easy. If you have a pasta machine. Chefs and foodies are not messing around when they say the dough needs to be crazy thin. We started with what seemed like the Kate Moss thinness of pasta but turns out we really needed the Nicole Richie circa Skeletor era of thinness. A pasta machine would have also been handy 'cause rolling out those shapes is a bitch. But once you're filling then up and boiling them, then adding heaps of pasta sauce and then sprinkling Parmesan on, you forget about all the other things.

...Precious is one hectic movie. There are lots of hand-over-mouth and eyes-closed moments but there are also some funny moments and inspirational moments.

...you never need a reason to google Henry Cavill. But because he's been chosen as the new Superman, people are not as judgmental.

...when you have a crappy day pizza, a romcom, your roomie and some chocolate can make it all better. I tried this yesterday and went to bed in a happy place.

Hope everyone has a fab week.

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!


  1. He is super hot, and chocolate really does make everything better :)

  2. Can't wait to see the movie. Henry is hawt!

  3. Now I just want some pasta! All I can think about...

  4. Just discovered your blog! Am envious you had the patience to make ravioli from scratch!!


Whoop! There It Is!