Monday, August 1, 2011

Girl Crush Alert

Many of us ladies, even if we're not that way inclined, will admit to some lady-loving at some point. While most of us wouldn't kick Mila Kunis out of bed, my girl crushes tend to focus on funny, cute, smart women who may not be the sexiest but ultimately I cannot stop being drawn to them.

My number love has always been Tina Fey and then after watching Parks and Recreation I started to experience some love for Amy Poehler. Now after watching Bridesmaids, I am all about Kristen Wiig. If you've seen it, you'll understand. If you haven't stop what you're doing and go to a cinema. It's magical!

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!

*Images from here, here and here.

1 comment:

Whoop! There It Is!