Monday, December 12, 2011

My Christmas Wishlist Part One

My Christmas Wishlist – It’s like Oprah’s Favourite Things. Except there are no freebies under your seat, no screaming middle-age women and no one shouting “You get a car! You get a car!”

Shapewear has become as important in my life as my nightly eye cream routine. And if you're over the age of 18 and have not invested in an eye cream, then we need to talk. Well you need to listen because you're about to get schooled.

Seriously though, I cannot think of a time when I didn't need my magic knickers. And I've found that it's not just girls shaped like me (with a few more bumps and curves than Kate Moss) that are wearing them. Not only do they suck everything in; they give your outfit that smooth, contoured look. The only problem I've ever had with them, they're very unattractive. Previously I thought that the special material that works so well may be the reason these knickers are so uggo. And if they're doing their job then that doesn't matter. And just pray you don't forget about them and have a Bridget Jones moment. That's what I used to think. Then I discovered Maidenform.

This range is getting rid of all preconceived notions that shapewear has to be ugly, beige and uncomfortable. Instead they're comfy, sexy and come in many styles and colours. And best news ever, they're available in South Africa. You can get some at Stuttafords or Edgars.

Happy Shopping!
Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!

1 comment:

Whoop! There It Is!